Friday, 15 April 2011

Boilers on!!

By the time the job was done, the light was fading so the photo's not great quality, but I had to take one to record the event.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Ready for the boilers

In the past couple of weeks, I have:

1) Completed the 'underneath' work on both locos (ashpans, firebar supports)
2) Fitted the smokeboxes
3) Made and fitted the running boards

So both chassis are now ready to receive their boilers. Hopefully I can get this done at the weekend.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Progress . . . .

The two smokeboxes are now complete with doors, hinges and associated closing gear. Recently, I have been fitting the ashpan to loco number 2, and this has also had the firebar supports fitted. The next jobs are to complete number 2's ashpan, then get the smokebox saddles bolted to the frames ready to put the smokeboxes on.