Friday 20 November 2009

Chassis erected

Recent work has seen the two chassis erected, driving wheels fitted and quartered, footwells and brakes fitted.

Monday 19 October 2009


Work and other commitments have meant that progress has been slow of late. However, the first set of frames were erected a little while ago, and the rear pony has been assembled. Work has started on the brake gear. Once this is done, she will get pushed back in the workshop and the second set will be erected.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Boring job . . .

The foundry cast my cylinders (etc.) for me, they are a great job, and delivered to the door!! It's an amazing feeling to have them delivered having made the patterns myself. I have now published the cylinder drawing on the website. It's a very simple, 2.75" bore cylinder, the additional size (up from the original's 2.5") is easily handled by the locomotive boiler. I have now faced off and bored all 4 of my blocks, hopefully I will get some of the ports milled out later this week.