Wednesday, 6 October 2010

October 2010

It's been a long while since I found time to write something here. Sorry!!

Since the last update, I have:

1) Completed the chassis and air tested them
2) Made and fitted the ashpans
3) Made the drain cocks
4) Fetched the boilers
5) Made the smokeboxes

Currently, I'm also building a pair of diesels for friends, but hope to get these completed soon so that I have more room to work on the tinks. Then, I'll be fitting and piping up the drain cocks and blast pipes, then it's full steam ahead with fitting the boilers.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

March 2010

Yes, I know it's been a while since I added something here. In the last few months, I have got the cylinders attached to the frames, and also got the motion brackets, slidebars and crossheads sorted out. I have also got the rear part of the valvegear assembled (up to the combination lever). The reversers are also all done. So, all that's left before air test time is the valve rods etc.